Microsoft Teams Live Captions is Now Generally Available

Organizations need to be able to communicate and collaborate at work in a way that is simple, flexible and effective. Microsoft Teams continues to provide exactly that and has added Live Captions. Now, Teams on Azure Virtual Desktop can detect what’s being said and who’s saying it in real-time captions. Read the blog to learn how this feature enhances the experience of team members who prefer visual cues when collaborating and ensures everyone can follow the conversation effectively. 

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Add Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) as an identity provider for External Identities

Azure Active Directory is available as an identity provider option for B2B collaboration by default. If an external guest user has an Azure AD account through work or school, they can redeem your B2B collaboration invitations or complete your sign-up user flows using their Azure AD account. This technical blog post shows you how to permit guest users to sign in with their Azure AD account, verify publishers’ domain and walks you through next steps. Read it for a quick demo.

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Scandinavian Airlines Speeds App Development, Lowers Costs with Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Every year, millions of travelers book flights with the Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) app, just one of many customer-friendly innovations that the company has pioneered in its 75-year history. As a digital leader in an industry still recovering from the 2020 travel bans, SAS relies on Azure to lower infrastructure costs and gain agility for its development teams.

Read the customer story to learn how the continuous collaboration SAS received from Microsoft and the FastTrack for Azure team helped the airline save money and simplify processes for their application team.

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