The power of AI comes with a powerful responsibility

This blog article from Microsoft discusses how AI has the potential to transform the future of work, and it is critical that businesses foster a culture that includes everyone as they incorporate AI strategies.  

The biggest potential that AI holds is its ability to help us work together to tackle our toughest problems and it requires the shared responsibility to think about not just what AI can do, but what it should do.

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Surface Laptop 3

Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 combines cutting-edge innovation with eye-catching design elements in a classically elegant clamshell case. It ramps up productivity with fast charging, 11.5 hours of battery life, and immense capability.

Surface DaaS solution

Out with the old, in with the new. Give your team the best by upgrading to Microsoft Device-as-a-Service. Traditional procurement limits the ability for internal teams to upgrade and customize devices. Its time and capital investments are highly unpredictable and upgrade cycles are often overdue.

Instead, Device-as-a-Service offers access to the latest software and hardware, reduced upfront costs, enterprise security, and increased predictability and scalability. Learn more with this infographic!

View: Surface DaaS solution

Why HR is at the Center of Digital Transformation

Contrary to what you may believe, technology is neither the point, nor the primary driver of digital transformation. People, processes, and a shift in mindset are key. As such, the most strategic department for true digital transformation in an organization is the HR department.

HR affects and shapes company culture. And for businesses to go digital, HR must not only digitally transform itself to improve the employee experience, but also educate, empower, and transform the workforce to improve the end-customer experience.

Check out this article for more.

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Enable remote work faster with new Windows Virtual Desktop capabilities

The world has changed dramatically due to the global health crisis. Organizations have had to quickly shift focus and give users remote access to their corporate desktops and important applications. Many have turned to Windows Virtual Desktop, built on Azure, to quickly provision and scale virtual desktops and applications faster than was previously possible.

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Surface Laptop 3 for Federal

The most popular Surface laptop available, the Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 is definitely equipped for government use! With modern USB-A and USB-C ports for better connectivity, it also authenticates to your networks with the FIPS 201-compliant IOGEAR Smart Card Reader Hub for Surface, which allows you to connect additional peripheral devices while providing necessary security.

View: Surface Laptop 3 for Federal