Go digital with DocuSign

Digital transformation is a leading trend across all industries. In fact, IDC predicts that 55% of all businesses will be digital by 2020.

With DocuSign eSignature, you can close deals faster and sign contracts from almost anywhere in the world. Paperless solutions can save your business time and money, keep customers happy, and minimize environmental impact. Going digital is easy with DocuSign!

If you’re ready to accelerate your digital transformation, we can help. Contact our team at LogicCloud IT, Inc. to learn more about our eSignature solutions.

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The City of Houston: Security as a job

Ensuring citizen safety is the utmost concern of any local government. With so many things that can go wrong at any given time, it pays to have the best technology available aiding these efforts to enable accurate situation analysis, quick response times, and effective monitoring of the response teams involved. Fortunately, digital transformation has empowered the rapid evolution of cities’ response protocols and opened the door for new capabilities to be integrated into their existing efforts.

In this video, you’ll learn how the City of Houston has embraced digital, and the IoT to ensure disaster recovery and response, keeping schools safe, and guaranteeing transportation, trust, and mobility.

Navigate data protection and risk in the cloud era

Microsoft invests in compliance and risk management to help your customers more easily protect and govern their data, address regulations and standards, and mitigate insider risks. The how-to guidance article announces new capabilities in Microsoft 365 that use machine learning and intelligence to help your customers address compliance and risk management in their organizations.

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